
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2019

Material life (Super-action)

There was a time that was all there was. It was an ideal of ravine. Antonymia of the fury, Love to show itself, Recounting fittings, Motives and senses once lost. Supreme Strike, Substantial Proof of the Divine, Our Faith, Free from Guides and Rabbis. He discovered the kingdom in his own kingdoms. He saw himself, was refreshed, and found Himself in what was made known. On the life that is left Could not to lie, the lie. Nor to cures platonic loves In a Homeric transaction. He remained alive in the legends, Rediscovered in the myths. In maritacas and parakeets. Even the animals, they do not Exchanges the said for the unsaid. In this, there solemn mystery. Just another whim. Never was the apparent drapery. He thow down all plumage and Reveal the true image. Valleys through many landscapes, Hostels  of jellyfishes. Discover something better While yet is comming. The reluctant fog, Of this collage of cuts, disappeared. Right there, after that auste...

Enjoy your time Aproveite o seu tempo

If time is money why spend your time trying earn money? Enjoy your time before it's over. Se tempo é dinheiro, por que gastar seu tempo tentando ganhar dinheiro? Aproveite o seu tempo antes que acabe. Zen Raikai Reiki @thesunnyray1

Metaquântica da Consciência Onisciente Metaquantik des allwissenden Bewusstseins

Metaquântica da Consciência Onisciente. Postulado único: A intuição estética é a base da significação. Portanto, todo o conjunto racional-dialógico é menos do que uma mera derivação da sensibilidade. Marcelo Santos - istagram@thesunnyray1 Metaquantik des allwissenden Bewusstseins . Postulate single: Die ästhetische Intuition ist die Grundlage der Bedeutung. Daher ist die gesamte rational-dialogische Menge weniger als eine bloße Ableitung der Sensibilität. Marcelo Santos - istagram@thesunnyray1 Metaquantic of omniscient consciousness. Postulat single: Aesthetic intuition is the basis of signification. Therefore, the whole rational-dialogical set is less than a mere derivation of the sensibility. Marcelo Santos - istagram@thesunnyray1