
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2019

Heat Calor Hitze

The energies of the night gather in complementing the bright daylight and the heat shines invisible even in the darkness: Life, everlasting radiation. (Zen Raikai Reiki) As energias da noite recolhem-se complementando a brilhante luz do dia e o calor brilha invisível, mesmo na escuridão: Vida, irradiação perene. (Zen Raikai Reiki) Die Energien der Nacht ergänzen das helle Tageslicht und die Hitze scheint auch in der Dunkelheit unsichtbar: Leben, ewige Strahlung. (Zen Raikai Reiki)

Integral science Ciência integral integraler Wissenschaft

And when we talk about integral science, we also remember the old tectonics and volcanism. The planet we live on has a kind of geomorphic shell that is animated by cosmic electromagnetism. Long before the first human masters assumed, crystalline eddies, portals, and other mineral blocks issued their lessons of billions of years. In the autonomous regions of the Scientists of the Law of the One, FOAT-Prana, Akasha, and Tachionics are explored to understand divine form and conscious co-creation. This is a non-dual coding kinetics of prana, the catalyst of the cosmic kundalini. I propose that FOAT is the fifth dimensional crystallization process, ie an electric current of complementary subjective thinking and mental matter in the time of an akasha, a conscious unit of transdimensional cosmic recordings. @thesunnray1 E por falar em ciência integral, lembremos da velha tectônica e da vulcânica também. O planeta no qual vivemos possui um tipo de casca geomórfica vivificada pelo ele...

just relax apenas relaxe entspann dich einfach

Do not try any painful endeavor, just relax and allow yourself to fall in love with yourself and life. Love is what emanates from every sincere feeling and what drives every healthy passion, for it is pure, disinterested, inclusive and unconditional. Não tente qualquer empreendimento penoso, apenas relaxe e permita-se apaixonar mais por si e pela vida. Amor é o que emana de cada sentimento sincero e o que impulsiona toda paixão saudável, pois é puro, desinteressado, inclusivo e incondicional. Versuchen Sie keine schmerzhaften Anstrengungen, entspannen Sie sich und lassen Sie sich in sich und das Leben verlieben. Liebe ist das, was von jedem aufrichtigen Gefühl ausgeht und was jede gesunde Leidenschaft antreibt, denn sie ist rein, desinteressiert, inklusiv und bedingungslos.
A simple impression of what is present and intuitive impacts us more than any rationalizable knowledge, and the sight of something pleasant captivates us immediately, highlighting our original human irrationality. @thesunnyray1 Uma simples impressão do que é presente e intuitivo nos impacta mais do que qualquer conhecimento racionalizável e a visão de uma coisa agradável nos cativa imediatamente, destacando a nossa humana irracionalidade originária. Ein einfacher Eindruck dessen, was gegenwärtig und intuitiv ist, beeinflusst uns mehr als jedes rationalisierbare Wissen, und der Anblick von etwas Angenehmem fasziniert uns sofort und hebt unsere ursprüngliche menschliche Irrationalität hervor.