new photonics nova fotônica

In the new photonics (the one I called by the term METAQUÂNTICA) it takes fractal mathematics and cosmic holography to, based on overcoming the physio-chemistry of body carbon in humans, give way to a new crystal base, where photoelectric interactions and magnetism ( strong and weak nuclear force of the human organism) will be assimilated in an ultra-subtle and fully conscious way. This implies a new approach to what is called the real world. Now, consciousness acts in physicality, therefore, Metaquantica is consciousness at the base of any and all possibilities for creative realization in the multiverse. By Sunny Ray Zenji Na nova fotônica (a que eu denominei pelo termo METAQUÂNTICA) assume matemática fractal e holografia cósmica para, com base na superação da fisio-química do carbono corpóreo no humano, dar lugar a uma nova base cristal, onde as interações fotoelétricas e o magnetismo (força nuclear forte e fraca do organismo humano) serão assimiladas de modo ultra-sutil e...