I am the blue ray The civilizational model was designed so that selfishness and individualism thrive. Most countries in the world are nothing more than corrals to generate feelings of guilt and debt bondage, plus feelings of guilt and fear. Is the other the hell of the other and the poor do not deserve to live well? The answer is art for the art of living well and enlightened by the divine madness of the beautiful artistic, or whatever! The great artists (saints) have always given relevant answers to this insane and perverse civilizational model. Mediocre artists only feed the plastic art industry, even though there is some value there, or better price. Open your eye before you die. Abrakadabra! @ thesunnyray1 Eu sou raio fulminante! O modelo civilizacional foi desenhado para que o egoísmo e o individualismo prosperem. A maioria dos países do mundo não passam de currais para gerar sentimento de culpa e escravidão por dívida, mais sentimento de culpa e medo. O outro é o in...