
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2020
I am the blue ray The civilizational model was designed so that selfishness and individualism thrive. Most countries in the world are nothing more than corrals to generate feelings of guilt and debt bondage, plus feelings of guilt and fear. Is the other the hell of the other and the poor do not deserve to live well? The answer is art for the art of living well and enlightened by the divine madness of the beautiful artistic, or whatever! The great artists (saints) have always given relevant answers to this insane and perverse civilizational model. Mediocre artists only feed the plastic art industry, even though there is some value there, or better price. Open your eye before you die. Abrakadabra! @ thesunnyray1 Eu sou raio fulminante! O modelo civilizacional foi desenhado para que o egoísmo e o individualismo prosperem. A maioria dos países do mundo não passam de currais para gerar sentimento de culpa e escravidão por dívida, mais sentimento de culpa e medo. O outro é o in...

禅師ライカイレイキ Zen Raikai Reiki

I swam in the river of amazement, Poured into the deep hollow of dark places. My golden exhalation rose With the most luminous stars. The invisible strands of dark matter Wove seas of amazement And the goddess Sofia was reborn my lover. @sunnyray1 Nadei no rio do espanto, Derramado no oco profundo dos lugares escuros. Minha expiração dourada ascendeu Com as estrelas mais luminosas. Os fios invisíveis da matéria escura Teceram mares de espanto E a deusa Sofia renasceu-me amante. @sunnyray1 Ich schwamm im Fluss der Verwunderung, Eingegossen in die tiefe Mulde dunkler Stellen. Meine goldene Ausatmung stieg Mit den hellsten Sternen. Die unsichtbaren Stränge der Dunklen Materie, Sie haben die Meere des Staunens verwoben. Und die Göttin Sofia wurde meine Geliebte wiedergeboren. @sunnyray1

without process sem processo プロセスなし ohne Prozess

I am without process. I have nothing and do nothing. Zen Raikai Reiki Eu sou sem processo. Nada tenho e nada faço. Zen Raikai Reiki Ich bin ohne Prozess. Ich habe nichts und tue nichts. Zen Meister Raikai Reiki 私:プロセスなし。私には何もなく、何もしません。 禅師ライカイレイキ


Meditate: Observe yourself with a quiet heart and mind. Teach yourself before acting. There is nothing more to say. Silence @sunnyray1 Medite: Observe-se com o coração e a mente quietos. Ensine a si mesmo antes de atuar. Não há mais nada a dizer. Silencie. @sunnyray1 瞑想! 穏やかな心で自分を観察します。 行動する前に自分自身を教えてください。 これ以上言うことはありません。 沈黙! @sunnyray1

only one verse um verso apenas 詩のみ

Does the selfish want to consume countless books? I suggest only one verse: God is Zen, is beauty! The perfection of wisdom and riches rests in the appeased heart that contemplates from the pure intuitive. Zen Raikai Reiki O egoísta quer consumir inúmeros livros? Sugiro um verso apenas: Deus é Zen, é Beleza! A perfeição da sabedoria e das riquezas repousa no coração apaziguado que contempla desde o intuitivo puro. Zen Raikai Reiki 利己的な人は無数の本を消費したいですか? 私は1つの詩だけを提案します: 神は禅、美! 知恵と富の結論。 瞑想的な心で休みます。 純粋な直感で、見よ! 禅師ライカイレイキ

living poetics poética viva 生きている詩学

There is quantum coherence in the human body. My monistic science accepts quantum oddities when the concept of nonlocality is combined with the M theory. Under the holographic principle, the information that determines the behavior of the entire three-dimensional volume of this universe is glued to the event horizon between material three-dimensionality and nonlocal two-dimensionality of pure energy. The universe has always functioned as a result of information outside it. Light energy interacting with nonlocal two-dimensional holographic information results in continuous holographic projection of materiality. Even the human body is continually transmuted from holographic projections, and the harmonizing information exists nonlocally, that is, outside materiality. I decree the end of dualistic scientism and authorize the human being to extend beyond the physical continuum and beyond the boundaries of his body. Zen Raikai Reiki -  22 de dez de 2017 15:04 人体には量子コヒーレンスが...

manual da chave cósmica コスミックキーマニュアル

The ninety-nine tachionic pulses of the Cosmic Key Manual represent a special transmission outside of traditional scripture. They teach not to depend on words or letters and point directly to pure cosmic consciousness. Contemplating such a self-nature, Buddhahood. Zen Raikai Reiki about Bodhidharma Os noventa e nove pulsos tachiônicos do Manual da Chave Cósmica representam uma transmissão especial fora das escrituras tradicionais. Ensinam a não depender de palavras ou letras e apontam diretamente à consciência cósmica pura. Contemplando tal natureza própria, o estado de Buda. Zen Raikai Reiki sobre Bodhidharma コスミックキーマニュアル の99個のタコニックパルスは、従来の聖典以外の特別な伝達を表しています。彼らは教えません 言葉と文字に頼る。彼らは純粋な宇宙意識を直接指しています。 それ自体の性質は仏の性質です。禅師の雷海霊気について

mutability mutabilidade 可変性

Space: foundation of the changeable whole. @sunnyray1 Espaço: fundamento do todo mutável. @sunnyray1 スペース:変更できるものの基礎。 @sunnyray1

trip viagem 旅行

The biggest trip is self-knowledge. Zen Raikai Reiki. January 08, 2015 A maior viagem é a do autoconhecimento. Zen Raikai Reiki. 08 de janeiro de 2015 最大の旅行は自己認識です。 禅師ライカイレイキ。 2015年1月8日

paradise is now o paraíso é cá 楽園はここにあります

The Zen Way: Calm down that paradise is now! Zen Raikai Reiki O caminho do zen: Calma lá que o paraíso é cá! Zen Raikai Reiki 禅の道:楽園がここにあるので落ち着いてください! 禅師ライカイレイキ

more and better mais e melhor elo diẹ ati dara julọ

Now I see deeper, more and better than before. I am omniscient consciousness that permeates everything. I need not decipher the ordinary world. @sunnyray1 Agora eu vejo mais fundo, mais e melhor do que antes. Eu sou consciência onisciente que a tudo perpassa. Não necessito descifrar o mundo ordinário. @sunnyray1 Ni bayi Mo rii jinle, diẹ sii ati dara julọ ju iṣaaju lọ. Emi li aimọye ohun gbogbo ti o ṣe ohun gbogbo. Emi ko nilo lati ṣalaye araye lasan. @sunnyray1