
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2020

Interdimensionale Allgemaine Kunst

...ZRR... (Interdimensionale Allgemaine Kunst) ...ZRR... The work The Manual of the Cosmic Key deals with the 99 tachyon pulses. It is a Zen poem that contains numerous interpretative developments. It has been known to the general public since 2006. Zenji Raikai Reiki is the master of the cosmic intuitive, of contemplative meditation that proposes the rupture of mere linear rationalist logicism, the break with the chains of the Aristotelian square, etc. Rai is the Japanese term for three words: Trust, lightning and thunder. Kai refers to a state of grace, happiness, harmony and fulfillment and Reiki means the atmosphere of the mystery, the divine cosmic energy, the flow of life. On January 31, 2012, at 2:51 pm. The Black Hornet and the Great White Monad provided the Ascension of the Christ-Kundalini, Fusion of the Full Sphere into the Buddha's Nature. On July 30, 2018, the following was suggested: “Activate love and lower all weapons!” Then, the quantum knot was activated, on Augus...

Zenji Raikai Reiki ゼンジライカイレイキ

この人生の最良の方法は、日常生活の神を認識し、祝うことです! ゼンジライカイレイキ A melhor maneira nesta vida é reconhecer e celebrar o divino da vida cotidiana! Zenji Raikai Reiki

Zenji Raikai Reiki

Meditate the light and exponentialize your own interdimensional brightness. by Zenji Raikai Reiki Medite a luz e exponencialize seu próprio brilho interdimensional. por Zenji Raikai Reiki

コズミックキーハンドブック。 神秘的にサニーレイによって直感された、 古代の禅ライカイレイキ。Cosmic Key Handbook. The ancient Zen master Raikai Reiki, mysteriously inspired by Sunny Ray Zenji.

セカンドパルス 非常にまれなアラバスターボトルにはドラゴンカブは収容されません。 解決策を模索する彼は、自分のために問題を作成することになります。 財団は疑問です 確実性を疑わない人のために。 なぜなら、「マネージャー」は各涙を解決します そして、私たちに来るすべての息吹。 Second pulse Very rare alabaster bottles do not contain dragon cubs. He seeks a solution and creates a problem for himself. Foundation is questionable For those who do not doubt the certainty. Because the "system" solves every tear And all the breath that comes to us. サードパルス 今日、明日です。 モーダル感の強さです 時間の正確な期間を決定しました。 即時の男性は最新を知っています 唯一の知る芸術。 しかし、彼らははるかにまれです あなたが想像できるよりも。 4番目のパルス あなたが想像できる限り 現実の世界の現実を想像してみてください。 最高のリアルな夢を実現! 孤立した行動では、 最初から画像を選択する方法を知っています。 もっとリアルなものを作ろう! Third Pulse It's today, tomorrow. It is the modal intensity of feeling Determined the just duration of the times. Immediate men know the very latest Art of the only knowing. However, they are much more rare Than you can imagine. Fourth Pulse In the best of imaginable, One imagines the reality that populates the real world. Realize the best real, dreaming! In the separating act...

metanfetamina digital digital methamphetamine

Eu-Sou um ar-tesão, uma metanfetamina digital na tua libido! Sou grafiteiro das tuas ruas eróticas, o amor, Alfa maior dos teus sonhos delirantes! (por Zenom, o príncipe dos Poetas) I-I'm an artisan, a digital methamphetamine in your libido! I am a graffiti artist on your erotic streets, love, Alpha greatest of your delusional dreams! (by Zenom, the prince of the Poets)

コズミックキーハンドブック。 神秘的にサニーレイによって直感された、 古代の禅ライカイレイキ。Cosmic Key Handbook. The ancient Zen master Raikai Reiki, mysteriously inspired by Sunny Ray Zenji.

プロローグ それをする人は誰でも常に何かすることがあります。 求める人は常に求めるものを持っています。 誰が渇望し、到達し、再渇望します。 彼らがすでにそれを行ったことを知っている人々は、何もせず、何も求めず、何も求めません。 すべてのものは空虚さと完璧さで満たされています しかし、急いではいけません 遅くなることはありません。 Prologue Anyone who does that will always have something to do. The person who seeks always has what he wants. Who craves, reaches, and craves again. Those who know they have done it already do nothing, do nothing, do nothing. Everything is filled with emptiness and perfection But don't hurry It won't be late. 最初のパルス 人生は被告の苦悩に限定されない そして、最高の名前は悪に誘惑されることはできません。 最も崇高な光のキャリアです それはすべての苦痛と偏見を超越します それは群衆を動かします、それは年齢の後でした。 さらに、それはその空気の単純な法則を確立します。 First Pulse Life is not limited to the anguish of defendants And the highest name cannot be tempted by evil. It is the carrier of the most sublime light That transcends all anguish and prejudice It moves crowds, it was after age. In addition, it establishes the simple law of its air.

Sunny Ray Zenji

If the quantum vacuum is a plenum, then all space-time geometry and all gravitation are mere derivatives. Therefore, any and all entanglements, as well as all gravitation of very large or very small bodies (subatomic particles) derive from the unalterable harmony of the same quantum vacuum. Therefore, gravitation and quantum mechanics are easily harmonized. (by Sunny Ray Zenji) Se o vácuo quântico é um plenum, então toda geometria do espaço-tempo e toda gravitação são meras derivadas. Logo, todo e qualquer entrelaçamento, bem como toda a gravitação de corpos muito grandes ou muito pequenos (partículas subatômicas) derivam da harmonia inalterável do mesmo vácuo quântico. Portanto, gravitação e mecânica quântica são facilmente harmonizáveis.(por Sunny Ray Zenji)


Ah! The 21st century civilization!  Ah! That political-media delusion!  Ah! My sensitivity doesn't fit in QR code! (By Sunny Ray Zenji) Ah! A civilização do século XXI! Ah!  Essa ilusão da mídia política!  Ah! Minha sensibilidade não se encaixa no código QR! (Por Sunny Ray Zenji)

idiocy of guilt idiotice da culpa

Through such stupidity Stiff in vile mediocrity, Under the idiocy of guilt, All adult immaturity rests. Doubt ... How to do latencies and pending projects In this policy, a heap of powerless impotences. In the act of measuring and over-measuring? From the visceral feeling a wave of discreet agony broke out That ran through the entire length of the intestines: The feeling of guilt pending, Decadent. So, too, man sustains himself in the idiocy of guilt. Corrupta: shows the total vileness of the human-humos. Mortality flowing in the corpse, Vaporized in the weakness of coarse. Disgust is revealed, poor dead man! It is not only those who blame themselves who are to blame. A feeling, a ticket? Reaction to public figure offense: Immoral, indiscreet, stupid. Without mind, people cry out A more agile and less narrow-minded reaction. Idiot, mush! (By Zenom, the prince of poets). Mediante essa burrice tamanha  Empedernida na vil mediocridade,  Sob a idiotice da culpa,  Rep...