Interdimensionale Allgemaine Kunst

...ZRR... (Interdimensionale Allgemaine Kunst) ...ZRR... The work The Manual of the Cosmic Key deals with the 99 tachyon pulses. It is a Zen poem that contains numerous interpretative developments. It has been known to the general public since 2006. Zenji Raikai Reiki is the master of the cosmic intuitive, of contemplative meditation that proposes the rupture of mere linear rationalist logicism, the break with the chains of the Aristotelian square, etc. Rai is the Japanese term for three words: Trust, lightning and thunder. Kai refers to a state of grace, happiness, harmony and fulfillment and Reiki means the atmosphere of the mystery, the divine cosmic energy, the flow of life. On January 31, 2012, at 2:51 pm. The Black Hornet and the Great White Monad provided the Ascension of the Christ-Kundalini, Fusion of the Full Sphere into the Buddha's Nature. On July 30, 2018, the following was suggested: “Activate love and lower all weapons!” Then, the quantum knot was activated, on Augus...