Glossary Terms

WISSENCHAFTSLEHRE AND CLASSICAL GERMAN PHILOSOPHY – In the sense of the contributions of Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher (1768-1834) to classical German philosophy and concerning the hermeneutic issues relevant to the historical-philosophical reconstruction of his thought for current research. On classical German philosophy, beyond the most immediate borders of the Germanic language, it is not recurrent to find studies on Schleiermacher. On the contrary, with regard to the expectations that are generated by the subject, mentions of his philosophical contribution appear, at most, in a marginal way, or with the aim of nudging intellectual polemics of the period: for example, in order to elucidate the criticisms of Georg W. F. Hegel (1770-1831) directed against romanticism and the theology of feeling. About Schleiermacher and German classical philosophy, we can say that, from a distanced and generic view, the expressions German classical philosophy and German idealism are interchange...