Respect is something else


The friendly citizens known as Mi-Mi-Mi Staff continue to plant their winters: is every future paranoid? Since these "living examples" collaborate with the system in the sectors of vigilance, standardization and punishment.
                            This robotic landscape goes beyond taking itself seriously.
                            All glittering comes from "I have priority service for someone who uses the terms and expressions that I think are appropriate." Poor people ...!
The vast majority of these people do not know five percent of the etymology of the expressions they use and believe themselves to be the guardian of respect: and as a lexicographer friend would say: "Words are my slaves, not the other way around!"
                            This kiss goes beyond advocating on its own ...

Mental leprosy, limiting bites, cuts with flesh, footsteps in coughs, betrayals and spells create: sheep from a flock that believes critical. New libertarian moralists who help the proliferation of hypocrisy!
Powerful and famous will always make the video portraying. And companies will respect strategic passwords to manipulate you.
                            Plates for communication to follow?
                            As my grandmother would say: "Respect is something else ...".
                            This lamp goes beyond any dichotomy: good and evil, right and left, Tom and Jerry.
                            I am nature.
                            We know that demonstrations of their indignities work as self-help, feeling heard acts as self-help. But are these "Divine Envoys" monitoring, standardizing, and running the system and not being paid? They are the ones who pay the tax.

This bleeding gum goes beyond subjectivity and irreverence ... Always sacred. In addition to victimhood and resentment ...

According to some doctors there are cases in which an illness against freedom of expression is revealed. Why are we healed depriving us of freedom?

As one shoemaker friend would say: "No one is above my criticism or my wave-striping!". So beautiful! What rhymes!

                            I must whisper: do not bring the law here, bringing the law here means being rats of the state, doves of the bureaucracy.

                            Alerting ...
                            Respect is something else.

(Parathybe Fakir Message)


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