a êthos mystétikos - EPILOGUE B (From the work in progress: The Poetized Critique) By M. Santos
The object that occurs to the pure subject of knowledge without the mediation of the understanding is precisely what we call metaphysical knowledge of the beautiful, in the elementary sense.
In this sense, homeostasis of body chemistry may result from behavioral triggers such as laughter. In this sense, comedy is indeed a wonderful art, while in the seriousness of ethics and ordinary sciences, and even in the tragic alone, this bodily harmonization of general well-being does not come easily to human beings.
So, when we start from a metaphysics of immanent prominence, the metaphysics of the beautiful, we must not forget, for example, the cave images of the Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d'Ar, in the Ardèche Valley, in France, which date from around from 30 thousand years ago and which serve here to demonstrate the importance of aesthetic intuition as a kind of 'mystical indexer' of the real power of creative genius, and also as the foundation of all possibilities of meaning, including those of a strictly scientific nature.
Therefore, we try to present, in a mystical style, something of unprecedented semiotic scope, because, in the "mystetic", ingenious way of knowing, there is no beginning or end, nor simulacra. That is, just as we cannot copy the quantum vacuum, for example, we cannot copy the Idea of Humanity, something that only mysticism now presents to us.
We said quantum vacuum keeping in mind what David Bohn had already observed, namely, that space is not empty but full, and the observable universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.
In this way, when interdimensional membranes touched more than 13 billion years ago, the energetic expansion of our scientifically observable universe also appeared there, and a wide range of dark matter, the same that generated the so-called Big Bang. However, this Invisible Energy is even difficult to detect, even now and from a three-dimensional and empiricist point of view, if not through sophisticated quantum computers, and operating with ultra-sensitive laser sensors, etc. This is why there is currently a great debate about the detection of dark matter. As in the DAMA/LIBRA experiment, for example, which is based on a particle detector designed to detect dark matter, using the direct detection approach and a series of NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors to detect dark matter particles in the galactic halo aiming to find an annual modulation of the number of detection events caused by the variation of the detector's velocity relative to the dark matter halo, as the Earth orbits the Sun. The detector is located in the basement of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy and is a continuation of the DAMA/NaI experiment, which observed an annual modulation signature over 7 annual cycles (from 1995-2002).
The DAMA/LIBRA experiment claims to have made an indirect detection, via observation of the seasonal variation in the number of events, an effect related to the variation of the Earth's velocity in relation to the galactic halo of dark matter.
Finally, exemplifying another difficulty faced by contemporary scientific knowledge, let's see the case of junk DNA, when scientists did not understand parts of the content and considered it junk, as only a small part made sense and was considered usable. The detail that intrigued the scientists was that genes were known to form the characteristics of each individual, but the results revealed that 45% of the DNA apparently had no function. That's why this part was called junk DNA, a name it carries to this day. And as we've seen something similar has happened, even more recently, with dark matter.
Now, before returning to our final considerations on the broader meaning of the term mysthesis, we must consider that autopoetic theory has as its basic idea a self-sufficient organized system, which produces and recycles its own components, differentiating itself from the external environment. . The term Autopoiesis was created in the 1970s by Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. According to them, there is an essential circularity in the nature of living systems that exhibit a configurational circularity in the constitution of their components, which are rigorously interconnected and mutually interdependent.
In this sense, living systems exhibit a temporal circularity or even a cyclicity in their behavior, which shows the absence of any intrinsic "purpose". Such systems live by maintaining their constitutional and configurational integrity. Once there is sufficient neural complexity and recursion, a living system can: generate, maintain and re-engage in patterns of internal phenomena triggered by external perturbations, which we also call descriptions. This allows the system to function as an observer within the epistemological scope circumscribed by these constitutional and behavioral circularities.
Currently, autopoietics has been applied in diverse areas such as immunology, human-computer interaction, sociology, economics, philosophy and even public administration.
Given that even living systems exhibit temporal circularity, so now, when mysthesys already prepares the ground for us to deal with future metaquantum, we must understand that, from now on, music and light imply the same as superqualified information, a kind of refinement of Cosmic Energy. This is because, radiation and resonance are the modes of 'communication' of the Energetic Truth to the energetic-biological bodies and to the other bodies of all natural kingdoms as well.
Now, in this sense and for the interests of this work, it is no exaggeration to say that super-qualified information and life are indissolubly imbricated in this Energetic Truth, from the indefectible point of view of mysthetic epistemics.
Thus, the place of utilitarian instrumental reason, and also that of science and technology, are very well defined here, considering that the cogito cannot even accompany the pure subject of knowledge, in all the infinite possibilities of representation that the mystétic sensibility is able to offer, and in the mold of what we have already presented throughout this work.
In short, future metaquantics will deal in detail with that overqualified information, since it considers that there are numerous dimensions in which not everything can be analyzed because not everything submits to the old dualism of subject and object as watertight metaphysical instances. Now, if even the total physical body has its 'limits' there, then what shall we say, in that case, about the mere (brain) intellect?
When we think about the intertwining of these informational dimensions, such as music and photonics, along the lines of what mysthesis proposes to us, then it is good to have a metaphor that is useful for us to understand the elementary meaning of metaquantum, that is, that helps us to think about the procedural dynamics of science. To this end, we suggest those innumerable input-output relationships of life. Now, when we put the immobile motor in the input position, what would we have as an output, after processing, would it be merely the return of the immobile motor? The answer to that would probably be positive.
Therefore, when we attest that our world is made up of systems within systems, and this should not necessarily imply some grotesque hierarchy, from which all authoritarianism hangs. So, in this way, we can say that the elementary level of understanding metaquantum is realizing that there are ideas within ideas, and with that, simultaneously, both the subquantum and the metaquantum threshold of the Idea of Humanity, both 'navigate' on the same level .
Now, most likely that notion of fifth-dimensionality will become much more understandable, as something that arose from the need for chronological suspension, in aesthetic intuition, so that we can harmonize thinking and feeling, which can only occur in the total human body.
Thus, the body must be understood here as the first immediate object of knowledge, from our basic triad of mystic elements, formed by the pineal gland, the brain and the heart. This is because, in addition to the mere intellect, we take only two more indispensable aspects as examples: the heart (vital and emotional) and the pineal (intuitive and immediate in knowledge). Even because, if we did not at least consider this elementary triad, then we would not have enough to unfold our mysthesis from the metaphysics of the beautiful and found metaquantics, in an indelible and immovable way, our most definitive neologism, that is, what is established in the fundamental instrument of our mystetizing.
We already know that reason (brain) operates by separation, that is, in the general sense of the faculty of intellectual knowledge proper to the human being and of the action of the understanding, in opposition to opinionated emotion. It is also the ability of deductive thinking, carried out through arguments and abstractions.
However, from the mystic point of view, this faculty of reasoning does not mean exactly the same as ascending to ideas. In short, just reasoning is not enough, that is, it is not the most important thing for a human being. At least in isolation, because nothing else is important except that it is useful for survival and ordinary everyday things.
Now, the center of force of the human organism, which is extrapolated to the external environment of the body and also affects it, via electromagnetic pulses, is the heart. Therefore, mystically speaking, the heart relates to the soul of the world, always in connection with the natural flow of Life.
However, reason, which also represents the ego, operates basically by analogy, that is, reasoning that develops from the similarity between particular cases, but which does not reach an a priori and definitive universal conclusion, but another analytic proposition, in the maximum, synthetic a posteriori only. (Check Glossary)
Both reason and reasoning are operating in action and control, generally generating blocks in the natural flow of human life (freedom). Such a natural flow is super efficient and supersufficient for happy living, and therefore, it is up to the wise to suspend speculative selfishness and focus only on the Source (Pure Life), because the ego is more useful as a traveling companion than as the guide. In this sense, egoic reason is also blocking the natural energy flow. In other words, individualism and selfishness strengthen the persistence of Negativity in life.
Now, what really matters to us here is to stick to the leaps, first from the quantum to the metaquantum, after the return leap, from the metaphysics of ethics to the metaphysics of the beautiful. Therefore, it is also clear that we are combining some elements of quantum mechanics in mysthesis. Therefore, about the emergence of the mystétic herald and its announced queen, the metaquantic outside this inaugural work of ours will not be found anymore, given the originality of this present work.
From now on, the human being, reconciled with the Beautiful, will be able to freely continue designing the new civilization of good living, starting from a simple self-portrait, which inspires that Idea of Humanity, and as a framework for the perennial celebration of the magnificence inherent in every human being.
But, we didn't do anything here as an act of financial greed or fear of scarcity and poverty, these false beliefs, instilled over millennia, by false elites and by dysfunctional, greedy and harmful governments of all kinds. Rather, we are motivated, also in 'prophesying', that the old governments should no longer be allowed to project the paths of the future of this current civilization, from now on illuminated by mystic freedom.
Therefore, the mysthesis, by exempting the human being from the need for daily suffering and proving the possibility of a purified state, the mystic-genial state, then, it 'leads' us to liberating compassion, the works of love of creative geniuses, where want them to act. And, more than that, mysthesis invites us to that pure intuitive, who will make us embody the creative and compassionate genius in this life as well. This is because every totally pure good deed, every totally and truly disinterested help which, as such, has its motive exclusively in the need of the other, is truly, if we investigate it to its ultimate reason, a mysterious action, a practical mystic, insofar in which it springs from the same knowledge which constitutes the essence of all true mysticism and is not truly explicable in any other way.
Therefore, the mystic human being does not need an artistic artifact outside of himself, as a result of that intuition and immediate knowledge of the human condition. Furthermore, at least theoretically, the mysthetic is qualitatively superior to the artist and the sage, in the sense of being the fusion of both qualities in a single subject.
But, deep down, artist and sage also experience the same conversion of consciousness, without which the principle of individuation would not be overcome, so they are also mystical because, essentially, the conduct of the artist is free from selfishness and evil, as well as that of the sage.
In this way, the artist's 'asceticism' is his passion for the aesthetic contemplation of the world, and the sage's 'art' is his passion for negating the behavioral imposition of civilization, the one that highlights suffering in everyday life, that is, that is, the imperative to maintain oneself as a promoter of Negativity in life, even if one does not know it, because such knowledge cannot be acquired by appealing exclusively to the light of reason.
Therefore, we reaffirm our healthy exercise in the music of the spheres of this philosophizing and poetizing at the same time. Even because, for the artist, aesthetic intuition is in the same measure as the clairvoyance of the sage's attitudes, both are perfectly suited to the immediate knowledge of the world, on whose ontic basis the Idea of Humanity in aionic time rests. And so, we ended up clarifying something more about mysthesis as well. That is to say, to the playful game of reason with sensibility, we add the decisive element of pure intuition.
Contemporarily, much has been insisted and reaffirmed that practice must replace metaphysics, that is, everything that is called by that term, usually in a disdainful way. However, what we highlight here started from the metaphysics of the beautiful and about the artist's attitude, which led us to an aestheticization of ethics and even of science, through the dialogic-dialectic-epistemic of mysthesis.
This mystical attitude of the sage towards the world points to the need for a new approach to praxis, and, perhaps, even to the emergence of a mystique of vital attitudes, in the same sense that we understand to be vital, for example, every attitude of geniuses. creative ideas, without which the suffering of the world would be unbearable and without any possibility of overcoming it. In short, our world needs a compassionate praxis, and even more playful and creative, because just acting ordinarily does not serve life but markets, temples and governments of Negativity in life.
The middle way common to activity and passivity is expressed by the Chinese notion of inaction. Thus, wéi wúwéi, an expression referring to the basic principle of the Daoist tradition, refers to knowing when one should or should not act and serve, etc.
However, the meaning of not acting is often included in the paradoxical expression doing not doing, that is, using exemption when acting, but this as a conscious attitude, therefore, active and effective. Such practice aims to reach a state of grace and in harmony with the multidimensional and perennial aspect of the human being. That's why some interpreters of these traditions call it early regress.
Such a notion of regress, if we present it in mystic terms, then we can suggest that this is what happens through reminiscence, in pure intuition. Therefore, it would be a precocious return to the Idea of Humanity, as the foundation of all truly free and surely epistemic science and knowledge, also basing the full freedom of action, concretized in the realization of compassionate works, in a world where consumerism and selfishness are falsely imposed by the mass media, as a rule, as something unbreakable and necessary for normal human conduct.
The popular wisdom of the West is almost unanimous in the understanding that: an attitude is worth a thousand words. However, and as we know, from an ancient Daoist thought, founded on the same principle 無為 wu-wei, an equally simple wisdom is revealed to us, but which paradoxically proposes that the true, the sage teaches without words, and while acting by way of exemption from any action.
It is said that an Indian mystic, philosopher, yoga teacher and profound connoisseur of Zen once said that to philosophize is like a blind man, in a dark room, looking for a black cat where there is no cat; So, why philosophy if life is already there?
However, as mystétic will require something that is only found in fifth-dimensional metaquantum, so we decided to go a little further and allude, later in this epilogue, to some rudiments of future metaquantum. To do so, we will cite some inspiring examples, but which, at this point, will not saturate the reading, rather, will make the end of this work even more enlightening.
In June 2021, a study was published by theoretical particle physicists at the University of California Riverside (UCR). That team of UCR physicists published a research paper in the Journal of High Energy Physics and suggested that an extra dimension could explain the existence of dark matter and explain why it remains invisible. In short, dark matter can be explained by the existence of a new extra dimension in space-time. (Check glossary)
In astrophysics, dark matter is a theoretical form of matter, which constitutes approximately 85% of the matter in the universe. The existence of this unseen and decisive force is implied by a variety of observations in the universe, including gravitational effects that cannot be explained by commonly accepted theories of gravity.
As dark matter does not appear to absorb, reflect or even emit electromagnetic radiation, it has not yet been possible to measure or provide definitive proof of it. And, according to Dr. Flip Tanedo, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at UC Riverside and co-author of the new study, our observed universe has three dimensions of space, but he proposed that there may be a fourth dimension, something still mysterious to our current scientific knowledge.
Apparently, only by inserting an extra dimension can we explain why dark matter has so well hidden from our attempts to study it empirically.
However, note that in metaquantum we take time as a fourth dimension and, therefore, our accessory term to the Idea of Humanity is fifth-dimensionality, as the dimension to be added. This observation is very important because, in the case of UCR researchers, perhaps the term to be used would be four-dimensionality. Finally, it is worth mentioning that, in metaquantum fifth-dimensionality, everything takes place in the time of the Idea (aionic time), therefore, in the complete suspension of chronology, but not of space.
The ordinary dimensional theory is something tremendously decisive for the maintenance of our perception of the world, through the logic square and the Cartesian plane, for example. However, we must remember that both logical models are presented as obsolete tools, already in the metaphysics of the beautiful. They are obsolete precisely because it is the suspension of this fourth dimension (chronological time), which puts us in the fifth-dimensionality of Humanity's Consciousness, as soon as the dialogical-dialectical-epistemic procedure unfolds in pure aesthetic intuition.
But, about the existence of invisible forces in the universe, this had already been proposed, in 1884, for the first time, by the mathematical physicist and engineer William Thomson, also known as Lord Kelvin, for having been the first British scientist to be elevated to the House of Representatives. of the Lords. Sir Thomson estimated that the mass of our Milky Way galaxy differed from the mass of visible stars, concluding that many of our stars, perhaps the vast majority of them, are darkbody.
In the following century, scientists made numerous indirect observations, supporting the existence of dark bodies, and thus Thomson's proposal, supporting the presence of some kind of invisible matter that exerts a significant influence on the universe, became very well established.
This primary evidence for the existence of an invisible force comes from calculations showing that galaxies would not form or move the way they do unless the universe contained a large amount of this invisible matter. Other evidence was observed in measurements of the cosmic microwave background and with redshift distortions of space, with which they can measure the magnitude of the peculiar velocity, so scientists can estimate the amount of matter present in the structures at large scales.
Because they have so far been unable to directly detect dark matter, scientists and most physicists tend to conclude that the substance must be composed of non-baryonic matter, which are subatomic particles whose mass is less than that of a proton. This can include neutrinos and free electrons, dark matter, supersymmetric particles, axions, and even black holes. However, the indirect evidence has been strong. Enough to make most of the scientific community generally accept the existence of this invisible matter.
Now, if we do indeed live in an ocean of dark matter, even though we know almost nothing about it, then there is no doubt that we are faced with one of the known unknowns in nature, perhaps the most irritating among the others, that is, something that we know exists, but that we don't know how to detect, nor why such Cosmic Energy doesn't appear there, where our calculations indicate it should be.
As UCR physicists have already admitted that dark matter particles do not behave like particles, but rather they are invisible and can interact with other invisible particles in a way that makes them no longer act like ordinary particles, so , they're assuming that the purpose of that research program over the last few years was just to try to understand the idea of dark matter, that is, what it's really telling us.
But what, after all, is this immeasurable, invisible and still mysterious force? This question is decisive at this point, because it is not a metaphysical or even theological problem, but a very serious current scientific enigma. That is to say, even when rationalism and the sciences are combined, the results achieved are still uncertain, almost always null.
Although this operation of the invisible forces can be described mathematically, by a theory that includes the need for an extra dimension, still, dark matter appears as a continuous sequence of adjacent particles within this supposed extra dimension, allowing self-interaction through of a continuum of low-mass states and that would explain how dark matter causes some of the curious behavior seen in small galaxies.
While the existence of a new dimension sounds sensational, physicists caution that extradimensions are simply a mathematical trick to describe conforming field theories and differentiate them from ordinary three-dimensional theories, and that such extradimensions are highly allied with quantum mechanics.
However, it should be noted that metaquantum fifth-dimensionality should not be assumed as a mere 'mathematical trick', in the future, when metaquantum is already well introduced in a suitable work for this purpose.
This view that existence is made up of extradimensions is most commonly referenced outside of metaquantum, very commonly by String Theory and the theory of the holographic principle of the universe as well. However, conformal field theories were intractable and uncommon, they had not been applied systematically to dark matter, but physicists now prefer to work with the new holographic extradimensional theory. Now, it is in this sense that we are presenting fifth-dimensional metaquantum, that is to say, fractal mathematics and the theory of the holographic multiverse will henceforth be our most precious mysthetic approaches.
But, by fifth-dimensional metaquantum, at this point, and going back to what we prefigured before, in the example of taijitu, we must clarify that yin and yang can also be called strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force, both operating in the multidimensional system. of the perennial cosmic magnetism, both on Earth and elsewhere.
In this way, that game of the gods, the Lila of the Hindus, and also the Germanic playful game, of reason with sensitivity, therefore, both can be explained by this push and pull of energies, perhaps even dark energy, because , that there are even pushes and pulls of forces is not only apparent, but is taken for granted as well, just like dark matter.
Now, mystically speaking, this concerns a 'game' that has no beginning or end, that of cyclotronic resonance in aionic time, or rather, in the mystetic autopoiesis that 'goes' in 'two' directions, that is, where the ' past' is pulled by the present and the 'future' is pulling our 'present' nunc stans, which is simultaneously, chromosome 24 and the quantum vacuum, the closure and the portal of the dialogic-dialectic-epistemic that 'points' to the fifth-dimensional metaquantum.
In this sense, strong energy and weak energy, gravity and magnetism are, therefore, the interdimensional forces and the most qualified information of Cosmic Energy. However, only metaquantum can adequately deal with this Vital Communication, in the sphere of creative geniuses, the sphere of the Idea of Humanity. And that, regardless of whether or not physicists can see that quota of invisible matter that must be in the universe, but that has definitely not shown itself to old science yet.
Perhaps, the language of fractal mathematics and the theory of the holographic multiverse reveal the potential of our 'future', in the moment of dialogic-dialectic-epistemic, and in the 'regress' to the invisible interdimensional energy (Cosmic Energy).
In the empirically detectable way, dark matter, this Cosmic Energy should be verifiable. But even the most advanced mathematics and physics in general have not yet done so.
In what happens immediately to the works of love, from the corporeal fractals, in the three material kingdoms, this is the indication of Cosmic Energy, which can only be enjoyed in the fullness of freedom, that is, through the intuition of the Idea of Humanity. Therefore, the power of the human being is precisely in the aesthetic intuition capable of elevating it to the Consciousness of Humanity.
According to Svetlana Gavrilenko, from the Institute of Quantum Genetics, there is an encrypted code in DNA molecules. Investigating deeply into these molecules it was found that the chromosomes become encoded information. Thus, a human being is a type of biocomputer, loaded with the genetic programs of other less complex organisms (systems within systems, input and output relationships). It will be up to experts in quantum genetics to decode the mysterious (mysthetic) text contained in DNA molecules.
Therefore, such evidence points to the fact that everything was formed by the word, that is, something came about as I came from what the Hindus call Shabda Om, and what Christians call the divine logos. In short, in the quantum vacuum of the akashic records of Humanity's Cosmic Consciousness there is a type of pentadiensional superbrain that generates this whole great poem of life.
Now, if the DNA molecule consists mainly of coded texts and they account for ninety-five (95) or even ninety-nine percent (99%) of the entire content of the chromosomes, while the portion of the proverbial genes that synthesize proteins totals only one (1) to percent (5%). So, this implies that we still don't know most of the information contained in the chromosomes.
In the way quantum geneticists are evaluating, DNA today is even similar to the text of a book, even having the property of being readable not only letter by letter and line by line, but also from any letter onwards, because there is no break between words.
For example, on a flat line, the text can be read backwards. However, the most intriguing finding is that each successive letter precipitates the succession of more texts, and the text string can unfold in three-dimensional space, that is, if it is in a cube, the text can be read in all directions. .
But since the chromosomes are alive, obviously the text is not fixed but is continuously agile, moving and changing, undulating and generating an infinity of subsequent texts.
When evaluated by linguists and mathematicians, it was seen that both the structure of human speech, the text of a book like ours and the structure of the DNA sequence are mathematically very close, that is, they are really like texts, written in that we still don't know. That is, as if cells talk to each other, as humans do.
In short, the genetic 'device' speaks in an infinite number of languages. Therefore, in support of our metaquantum, we can say that there are already leading scientists claiming that the human being is a type of fifth-dimensional textual structure and capable of reading itself. At least mystically we can already speak in these terms.
The fact that chromosomes implement a program to build the organism from the egg cell and through photonic and acoustic biological fields, all this is another indication that motivates us to advance in the improvement of mysthesys, which will allow us to expose the future metaquantum , in a way that is compassionate and satisfying to the aspirations of human beings, those who never give up on freedom.
Even so, geneticists have also observed that an electromagnetic image of the future organism or its socio-program is created inside the egg, that is, the "destiny" is written. This is yet another unexplored and specific feature of the genetic apparatus, which is implemented, in particular, with the help of one of the types of biofields, which are laser fields, capable not only of emitting light, but also sound.
Apparently, the genetic apparatus will manifest its powers through holographic memory. Depending on the type of light being applied to illuminate the holograms, a particular image is generated from it. And, there are many because many other holograms can be written into a single one. Also, it can only be read by the color it is written in, while our chromosomes emit a wide spectrum, which goes from ultraviolet to infrared, and therefore chromosomes can read multiple holograms of each other. This process results in the creation of a luminous and acoustic image of the future new organism and, in progression, of all subsequent generations.
Now, when it comes to visual ability, ordinary people are trichromats, but there are people who can see a spectrum of 9.9 million colors in different shades, these are tetrachromats. In our mysthetic case, the innumerable 'chromatic variants' were taken, first from human behavior in particular, then from the behavior of sentient beings in general, and finally from everything else in nature, even that dark matter. .
Therefore, it was from this play of colors, visible and invisible luminous frequencies, and musical resonances that we arrived at the result of this book, that is, a kind of propaedeutic kaleidoscope to all metaquantum that will unfold, from here.
Henceforth, our kryoplasm quantum lenses will turn human vision in general into a pentachromatic capacity, that is, it will allow a natural resumption of our Cosmic Eye, the one that is able to see in the oneness of timeless pentadimesinality. In this sense, we say that a person blind from birth has eyeballs, but still has no vision. However, creative geniuses are capable of seeing the idea of Humanity, even if they are all blind from birth.
But, returning to that program inscribed in the DNA, we can affirm with extreme conviction that this could not have evolved, along the lines of the theory of Darwinism, for example. Even because, to write such a large amount of information would take so long that it would exceed by many times, at 13.8 billion years, the estimated time of existence of our universe. Now, here is an important explanation of why we have affirmed the importance of the suspension of all chronology to occur in the dialogical-dialectic-epistemic of mysthesis, without which, the Idea of Humanity could not have the relevance that we are suggesting in this work. .
Now, if genetic information can really be transmitted at a distance, and if a DNA molecule can exist as an energy field, then it is possible to insert a certain text in part of the chromosome, and thus these DNA molecules would change. to the laser state, that is, we would affect them in such a way that those DNA molecules would start to glow and emit sound, that is, they would 'talk', this is because the laser is based on simple atomic structures, and the molecules of DNA are based on chromosomal 'texts'. Therefore, the moment light and sound can penetrate other people, we could implant someone else's genetic program in them as well. And, by being exposed to these effects, a person could change, by acquiring other characteristics, thus starting to think and act differently as well.
Since the discovery of DNA and cellular receptors, and this includes qualified information and reprogramming of the body's own chemistry, mysthetics has observed that the ideas accessed and made available by creative geniuses are capable of altering even cellular information at the level of consciousness. , then, the human mind itself can change for the better, influenced by the Beauty of Cosmic Energy. In this way, every human being would be able to catalyze the expansion of their own consciousness, from the event of the works of love of creative geniuses. Each one can even become a compassionate creative genius and therefore a multiplier of the works of love in the world, until Negativity in life is definitively reduced to nothing.
Finally, it is worth noting that digital art is also a type of qualified information, currently available to creative geniuses. However, the natural state in the Idea of Humanity is that of Freedom in pure love. Whereas, the three-dimensional material world, even in a virtual and digital environment, is nothing more than an artifice of utilitarian understanding, and this is what demanded a change in the basis of human nature, that is, a conscious metanoia, something that could only occur through mystétic when proposing that creative souls intuit, without analytical mediation, what is the wisdom of the ages, the music of the spheres, the quantum music. This is the 'energetic' and fifth-dimensional way of knowing and acting, therefore a non-linear multidimensional way.
Therefore, after taking the step of returning from the metaphysics of ethics to the metaphysics of the beautiful and eliminating the barrier of understanding, which obstructed the subject's immediate knowledge of the object, we announced that the Beautiful is Ethical and we took the mysthesis as inaugurated. In other words, mystetics was unfolded from the fusion of the metaphysics of the beautiful with elements of the very current quantum mechanics, and proposed metaquantics as basically a dialogic-dialectic-epistemic in acoustics and photonics.
Therefore, through all that has already been presented, the mystic knowledge to which we are referring here should be facilitated, that is, aesthetic intuition in art and ethics as an immediate epistemic foundation and in accordance with the Idea of Humanity. Now, it is up to creative geniuses, based on what is not selfish, that is, on self-love, which is the element of all creative genius, to promote a way of life in which having, doing and thinking will give preference to being. love in action (being itself).
The human being is the only animal with 23 visible chromosomes, at this point, it is up to us to inform you that the twenty-fourth chromosome is the 'missing link', that is, the fifth dimensional metaquantum chromosome. Now, we have seen that Cosmic Energy is in every cell, and in this way, humanity's creative energy will be able to generate peace on earth someday. This will be the sign of the beginning of the universalization of freedom, and it will be like jumping, body and soul, to the fifth-dimensionality of the full natural state perpetuated in the Idea of Humanity. In this way, human freedom will always be manifested, activated in the Conscience of Humanity that concretizes the works of love.
Therefore, outside the Idea of Humanity, everything else is nothing. We affirm this in the total acuity and epistemic security, given of the Cosmic Energy that, in the creative geniuses, perpetuates the immortal works of eternal love, even in this world fraught with Negativity in life.
Now, advancing something more of the future metaquantum, we inform you, from now, that the innate wisdom of DNA, in the harmony of the Idea of Humanity proposed in the ingenious works, already prevails and acts above 55% of the potential, in relation to the current 36 % of activated potential, of dormant DNA in the average human being in general. In other words, having such an Idea as a nucleus is similar to being a superbrain, but whose functioning is not mechanical but non-linear (metaquantum), because it does not operate through synapses, but through non-local entanglements in the tachyonic ubiquity.
Well, if the observable phenomenon is the 'brains' of creative geniuses of today and of all ages, operating in a neural network. In this way, the genius knowledge would be constituted in that body of pure fifth-dimensional Cosmic Energy, prefigured in this supposition of the exponentiation of the brains of the creative geniuses of all times, operating in their full capacities. But note that, even so, the mystétic will require us, at least, to add the heart and the pineal. Again, we say at least, because the human body operating at its full potential is the elemental and decisive object of future metaquantum as well.
Thus, as in the example of the music of the spheres, all this served as a previous and provisioning landscape for our most decisive term, metaquantum. Although we must emphasize, one last time, that metaquantum will require us to write an exclusive work in the future.
In this work, however, we opted for a stylistic of unprecedented boldness without which, mysthesis could not even have been considered. However, this was purposeful, as we highlighted the importance of the metaphysics of the beautiful, in an unorthodox way even, but in a way in which the Idea of Humanity, although apparently exdúxula, sounded familiar to us. And, from there, we unfold the condition of possibility of metaquantics through the dialogical-dialectic-epistemic, that is, the mysticism itself imbricated in it all.
In this way, we conclude our task of presenting the two decisive neologisms. And, now, we will be able to continue in the direction of the unfolding of our initiative, and, thus, we will perfectly intuit this mysthesis to the future metaquantic, since we will be able to make full use of the mysthesis inaugurated now.
For that, a final question can serve as an extra motive and inspiration in this metaquantic zeal, and from now on: Since light is the correlate and condition of the most perfect knowledge, then, in metaquantics, the music of the spheres -(mystetically assumed as being super-qualified and perpetual information) - would become the language par excellence of Cosmic Energy, or would it be better to act through acoustic, chromatic and photonic paths simultaneously and according to the model already suggested by quantum geneticists, those who examined DNA autopoiesis human?
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