êthos mystéthikos - Chapter 21 (From the work in progress: The Poetized Critique) By M. Santos


In order to transcend dualism, we need to desist from the mental power that we have given to this traditional paradigm that places the 'spiritual world' as being supernatural, in contrast to the material experience of reality, because in mystéthika nothing exists outside the Fifth Dimensional Sphere of Cosmic Energy, it is in this sense that it can be said that everything is beautiful, everything is spirit and nature in the Consciousness of Humanity.

Thus, it is correct to say that the spirit is the truth because it is also nature.

That dualistic understanding of reality continues to separate spirit on the one hand and matter on the other, as if the latter were reality in and of itself, in a hopeful and mediocre-minded assumption, trying to locate the observer's consciousness "inside" the observation, the projector within the hologram, the "dreamer" within the "dream".

But the truth is that the exact opposite happens, that is, everything that exists is made of consciousness/spirit/energy/light/information that is naturally sapient and qualified according to its vibration range, adapted to the prism of reality in which it is located. expressed, and this is all based on the infinite and indivisible continuum of the Idea of ​​Humanity.

Therefore, all conceptual separation and labeling is just one interpretive mode among other endless modes, just one, which derives from the linearizing understanding that the human mind uses in order to analyze the constituent parts of an energetic whole that never separates definitively, however much nomenclature that is used for purposes of empirical-conceptual analysis. As was taught in ancient Advaita Vedanta, everything is ONE undivided and continuous.

Our three-dimensional experience, that is, what is scientifically considered to be the normal and cured perception of the world, is nothing more than a provisional artifice of consciousness compressed into the individualism of ignorance, which occurs on the basis of the reduction of Humanity's Consciousness to the one's mere physical senses and worldview. However, that sensation of solidity of seeing and feeling the objects individually is not the reality itself, but it is a question of a perceptual mistake that occurs in the core of the consciousness compressed in what we call the human physical body.

In this illusion, consciousness believes itself to be dependent and within matter, therefore, being limited and being embedded in the body, which seems to have separated itself from the Idea itself and from the Consciousness of Humanity itself; that is, what the senses and intelligence of the physical body cannot perceive, that is, the upper bands of the energetic and musical vibration of the Mystéthika Sphere, where the Cosmic Energy vibrates more rapidly, until it reaches the tachyonic ubiquity.

In short, nothing is really solid or separate from the rest of the immense web of Cosmic Energy. Rather, it is just a frequency range of vibration similar (and/or) dissimilar to that of the physical body, if compared to the other higher vibration ranges. Thus, what religious dogmatisms regard as supernatural, because the physical senses cannot perceive it directly, is nothing more than some subtler and higher dimension of energetic vibration. In this sense, mysthesis suggests that the Idea of ​​Humanity and the Consciousness of Humanity, both presuppose the fifth dimensionality, that is, the range of energetic vibration of the world of Negativity in life (the fourth dimensional world) is at least an eighth frequency. inferior to the works of love.

In this way, it is clear that there is not really a 'spiritual'/ideal world on the one hand, and a material world on the other hand, but only countless different dimensions of energetic vibration. Therefore, the separation between matter and 'spirit' is just a conceptual and human language division, and what there is in fact is just the provisional sensation, that the level of consciousness in the duality paradigm creates in the low frequency consciousness, the which, like the mind, is not really contained by any body, despite simulating to that effect, very convincingly to the human consciousness of Negativity in life, but without any real and definitive power, capable of overcoming the works of love of creative geniuses.

Therefore, subjective knowledge occurs when we are having a dual experience where something that is perceptible to the body of ignorance only appears to be separate from that which is not perceptible. In this sense, any object, element or "individual self" just seems to be separated from the rest (in "material solidity" in apparent opposition to "non-solid" spirit) in the illusion of projection of an "outer" hologram within the energetic continuum (from the everything is spirit/God/energy vibrating at different frequencies).

Therefore, mystéthika suggests a drastic paradigm shift so that there is a definitively more integral understanding of our omniverse, for a more expanded and cosmic understanding, because expanding consciousness is leaving the individualistic illusion and isolation in what is just a sensory deception. body.

Even ordinary consciousness has no spatially locatable material edges, rather it is what creates the space-time illusion and the apparent separation of organic bodies and other objects as well. Now, mysthetically speaking, the Consciousness of Humanity and the Idea of ​​Humanity are the cause of causes and not a mere effect in the human world.

Thus, through the empirical and scientific way of knowing, the human being is still conceived only as a consequence and a by-product of organic material evolution restricted and limited to his perceptions mediated by the mentality of the biological body, but not as the consciousness and the cause. of experience itself in space-time reality, that four-dimensional linear illusion.

This limitation arises from misidentifying oneself as a mere effect on physis, as if placing material 'edges' on consciousness, that is, confusing Humanity's Consciousness with its by-products and misperceiving oneself as a measurable element with coordinates in the space-time of the outer world of appearances, the old 3D Cartesian world where perceived elements arise uninterruptedly, and then disappear in time, the lower fourth dimension.

In mysthesis, therefore, it is past time to access genius knowledge in everyday life, and to understand ourselves as consciousness and cause of the very existence of space-time, from the point of view of Humanity's Consciousness, and so that the illusory perception of being only one 'outer' animal is definitively overcome.

In this way, as Humanity's Consciousness, we are the cause of the conditions of possibility of the experience itself in the material world, which is only a projected holographic sub-universe, that is, a sensorial illusion of 'solidity and individualities'.

Now, for those who know the famous experiment in quantum physics called the Double Slit, and the thought experiment called Schröedinger's Cat, it is easier to intuit that nothing exists only as a constituent particle of any object, that is, of something perceptible. in a space-time universe without the intervention of an observing consciousness that makes the energy collapse; that is, that when directing a focus of attention, it materializes, to the senses of the physical body, one of the waves of infinite probability existing in the now of the observer.

This consciousness, by its simple existence, transforms a wave of information into a locatable and measurable particle in the now-space-time of your focus of attention.

Let us understand here, that: it is the observing consciousness that creates the three-dimensional experience and that makes something perceptible as a concrete material element in your now, that is, as energy in the form of a particle, instead of mere waves of probabilities.

Therefore, the notion of linear time does not exist outside of imaginative fiction, being just a mere artifice from the observer's focus of consciousness. It is thus understood that past and future also do not exist as something "concrete" anywhere, except in the analytical understanding. Even because, everything that exists occurs only in the now of the Consciousness of Humanity, even if for the momentarily reduced focus of attention of the empiricist subject something seems to have happened in the past or even in an ‘imaginary’ linear future.

To better understand all this, let's think of the perceptible phenomenological reality as if it were a lot of papers in layers superimposed on top of each other, all in the now, or in different frames of an infinite film already recorded and preexisting. In this sense, it is only the individual perception that chooses a layer to focus on, from the stack that is already and that has always been in the now. This moment of conscious focus is what gives the sensation of succession, which to another individual's focus of consciousness may appear to be the past (being further back on the moebus tape of the film or further down the stack of papers) or the future (being further on the same tape as the infinite film or further up in the stack of papers).

What we are saying is that the awareness that perceives focuses its attention on one frame or layer of condensed reality at a time, then analyzes each frame or layer, one by one, giving the sensation of passing through time as in a straight line, but everything is and has always been in the now of metaquantum fifth-dimensionality. So, what is pre-existing, what actually 'moves' is just an individual consciousness focusing on some portion of energy wave among all the infinite possibilities of the dimensional layers. Therefore, it is the focus of consciousness that collapses the energetic wave in the aion-now into a chronologically observable particle.

Following this analogy of reality as if it were a pre-existing movie, when the observing consciousness 'thinks' about something that has happened to it, it is looking at a layer of the aionic-now called 'past', available in the pile of interdimensional tracks of the 'film'. '. However, everything is just a mere 'photogram' always pre-existing in the ionic-now, to which the human being only remembers, without, however, being able to collapse the total Cosmic Energy in front of his focus of consciousness. That is, the past or the future is always available, whatever the pre-existing layer or frame in the aion of Humanity's Consciousness.

Thus, the future is nothing more than a thought on a dimensional layer as probability in the form of a wave that already exists in the ionic-now, and that can be experienced simultaneously by other thinking consciousnesses focused on the same dimensional layer, although they have not yet collapsed. at the only point where perception is possible, that is, at the nunc stans.

By the way, it is something very relative, the linear conception that the future would be ahead and that the past is behind, according to the focus of each consciousness that is visited as an imaginary thought. So until the focus of attention collapses the waves of energy as organized particles into a hologram or light imprint before perception, this kind of illusion will persist. However, the energy portion already exists as a probability wave and can only be collapsed into measurable particles in the space-time of some individual consciousness, always in the relative nuns stans.

In this way, something that has already happened, that happens or that will happen is always in the ionic-now, and some consciousness is watching it, that is, collapsing the energy in the form of a particle, since it is only a part of the Humanity's Consciousness, from where energy collapses as a particle and creating the four-dimensional illusion of space-time in front of you. At this point, let us emphasize that the Consciousness in question is the progenitor of matter and space-time, and the cause of the collapse of the infinite wave into measurable particles, but never an effect of anything.

Therefore, matter is capable of being perceived, thanks to the 'trick' of the focus of individual consciousness, which creates the spatio-temporal experience in the mind of some observer. Matter, as energy of low vibration, is also very slow, to the point of appearing solid to the perceptions of the human body. However, this is just a thought-form, collapsed by the action of the individual consciousness itself, in directing the focus of its attention. Well, at least that's what the double slit experiment seems to have proved to us, that is, the trick of understanding would be to condense a beam of Humanity's Consciousness in the four-dimensionality of the common human being, the strengthener of Negativity in life, the same part of the consciousness watching a movie, in which it appears to be 'on the outside' of itself, while believing itself to be inside a mortal body.

At this point, we must reinforce that idea that Humanity's Consciousness is what always comes before anything that seems concrete to us, and not understand it as a mere effect and by-product of some physical process. It should also be noted that everything that is observable in space-time is collapsed by the individual's focus of consciousness, occupied with previously existing energy waves, which, when focused, appear as particles. So this means that the body itself is a by-product of this collapse of consciousness energy at a now-ionic point, but not the other way around.

Thus, in order to understand the nature of the fifth-dimensional reality that allows us to create our experience of feeling space-time as something external to ourselves and independent of the subject who experiences it in linear time, we will need to face again the fundamental question: what is the pure subject of knowledge?

Even because, anyone who persists in seeing himself as a mind inside a body with coordinates in space-time and oblivious to the 'quantum equation' of collapse of perceptible physical reality will suffer, attached to the addiction of being just a by-product of the outside world, and fearful of the actions of time on the body, always believing that in an imaginary future death awaits him as the inevitable end of physical and mental existence.

But the truth is that, mysthetically speaking, quantum physics has brought great relief, at least to those who have understood that Humanity's Consciousness is the cause of any and all possibility of materialization on Earth, but not the effect of the same materialization, and that the observer is the true creator of his material reality, usually without even realizing it, collapsing the wave of energy into particle form in the Idea of ​​Humanity, the eternal now where the pure subject of knowledge, while the observer capable of analysis always was and always will be.

Finally and mystically speaking, genius intuition (but not analytical ability) is the sheer power of the invincible and immortal self-knowledge of Humanity's Consciousness. However, such Consciousness has never been captive on Earth or even in any universe delimited by what is currently admitted to be named by the expression timeline.


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