Now I hear the song of birds and then to talk a little with the sun, I think how great life is and how we can learn things unimaginable with everything that occurs around us, not only with the cosmic nature in general, but mainly with human nature, our and the other.
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Mysthétika Pura Aplicável de Marcelo Santos
Um aforismo mysthétiko sublime! - A Ubiquidade Tachiônica da Consciência OMni é uma das chaves mestras para compreender Metaquântica. Nesse sentido, podemos poetizar uma ciência do entrelaçamento da consciência estelar com a consciência terráquea na dialética do DNA com a Energia Fonte e OMni. Desvendando esse aforismo: *Elementos Chave* 1. *Ubiquidade Tachiônica*: Presença onipresente da Consciência OMni. 2. *Consciência OMni*: Consciência universal, fonte de toda existência. 3. *Metaquântica*: Integração da física quântica com consciência e espiritualidade. 4. *Entrelaçamento*: Conexão profunda entre consciências estelar e terráquea. 5. *DNA*: Código genético influenciado pela consciência. 6. *Energia Fonte*: Energia primordial do universo. *Implicações Filosóficas* 1. *Interconexão*: Todos os seres estão conectados. 2. *Transcendência*: Consciência transcende espaço e tempo. 3. *Unidade*: Consciência OMni é a fonte de toda existência. Esse aforismo nos convida à reflexão sobre a n
êthos mystéthikos - Chapter 1 (From the work in progress: The Poetized Critique) By M. Santos
1. THREE GUIDING CONSIDERATIONS Throughout this book, we will develop a discourse capable of activating the reader's creative imagination. Initially, and to better explain our intention, we will use three aphorisms that can serve as guides. In this way, before proceeding to the following chapters, an initial reflection can be made, something that will extremely facilitate the full understanding of the book at the end of the study. These are the sentences: 1. It is by way of conduct that people show themselves to us, therefore they teach us who they are. Thus, we will live better remaining immune to what they try to impose, that is, what we are essentially not. To this first consideration, we will metaphorically associate the brain as the organ of reason and also of the correct discernment of judgments in general as well as of actions, whether the most appropriate or not. 2. In general intuition and insights into Eastern thought and Western philosophical monisms (eg advaita, mona
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