
Mostrando postagens de 2018

Idiocy of Guilt

Through such stupidity Petrified in vile mediocrity, Under the idiocy of guilt, All adult immaturity rests. Doubt ... How to perform the latency and pending project In this policy, heaped up with impotence of powers. In the act of measuring and overshadowing? From the visceral feeling started a wave of discreet agony That went through the full extent of the intestines: The feeling of guilt, Decadent. So also man holds to the idiocy of guilt. Corrupt: shows the total villainy of Humus-humans. Mortality to flow in the corpse, Vaporized in the weakness of the coarse. Revealed the disgust, poor dead! He did not understand that he was guilty. A feeling, a fine? Reaction to public figure offense: Imoral, indiscreet, stupid. Without a mind, the people cry out A more agile and less narrow response. You idiot, you fool!

Dynamics of Apparent Void

The remains of August, 31-2016 (7:51 PM) (By Zenom - The Prince of the Poets) Sewage from Mauritius of Nassau! The reluctant San Francisco is already dead. I-bonfire of Santa Maria, Tea of ground vine, jagube-mariri. Leaves, flowers and buds ... She, 16 years of solitude. Gold Black-silver, ivory. Of the precious stones, none is Paraíba, neon tourmaline: I-immortal, diamond body. I-Adamantine. In that state of Smirnoff the night was over. Jade Dragons Remained And a Rococo Jedi, drunk in the Baroque. I-Yagé: You, they and tomorrow, Anxious for countless spells today, And the Wheel of Fortune at full Vayus and lungs. Hari Om Tat Purusaya! Om Namo Narayanaya! Om Namah Shivaya!

16 anos de solidão

Restos mortais de agosto, 31-2016 (19:51 h.) Dinâmicas do Vazio Aparente (Por Zenom - O Príncipe dos Poetas) Esgotos de Maurício de Nassau! Já é morto o São Francisco relutante. Eu-fogueira de Santa Maria, Chá de cipó moído, jagube-mariri. Folhas, flores e brotos ... Ela, 16 anos de solidão. Ouro Preto-prata, marfim. Das pedras preciosas, nenhuma é Paraíba, turmalina-neon. Eu-corpo imortal de diamante. Eu-Adamantino. Naquele estado de Smirnoff findou-se a noite. Restaram Dragões de Jade E um Jedi Rococó, alcoolizado no Barroco.  Eu-Yagé: Você, eles e o amanhã, Ansioso hoje de incontáveis feitiços, E a Roda da Fortuna a plenos Vayus e pulmões. Hari Om Tat Purusaya! Om Namo Narayanaya! Om Namah Shivaya!

Shining Rama.

I-soon-exist, definitely, I am brave, new mind and pleasure Confused in all pain. Orgasmic relief from all tensions, All beings crying love. Peace and spirit, quietness to inhabit and to Design of people, full heart, Released even though between clenches, Making trembling the flesh of the pulsion: A lotus of the mud appear beautiful.

Increasingly rare

The wise man ... Every moment, Increasingly rare. Flashes. Never in front of mirrors. Light that desapear and rekindles, As life rebuilds. He goes on to see they who are dying.

Mental clock

Live the animal in man and both in time. The wind of the event howls hope. In war, peace is desirable, Inevitable. A lot of people who find the end, Who deny the unconscious And the invisible powers. Those capable of such dementia. Absence of human heat torments them. Quixote in your land, Rising from nothing to sleep. Covered with time, to cover up the light, Cover yourself with nothing, him.

a subtle whisper

I-you. From this infallible love that kills, To those who are not attentive. There is always something, a subtle whisper That endures in Victory not attained by force. Principle and path of contemplation of the perfected Masters. Greater sensitivity and subtlety: Energy, cosmic-life, Spirit naked without effort. I-spirit-naked, People without borders.

So many tears rolled

And ... I could not tell. Everything has been said, but we do not understand. Everything is in the mind, but the body does not transcend. It would not be worth thinking. Everything was thought, but we do not understand. Everything is in the mind, but the body does not transcend. I could not cry a tear. So many tears rolled, but we do not understand. In the world there are still weeping, but the body does not transcend. Of what value would it suit me, selfish civilization? Everything is dead, but we do not understand, Of all that is dead, that The body does not transcend. I do not know how to love ... I could not philosophize. For sure we know nothing. We do not love and do not understand. All that is known is that the body does not transcend. I never knew how to love ... Would i believe these rare people, who say they love me? So many have loved each other, but the people does not understand. All this love of the world does not serve me, because the body does no...

my scanty appearance

Notes from me If my heart sore It does not show you how much I suffer your absence, It's because you do not look at me with affection, You ignore my scanty appearance. In the exact scores of your melodies, The few notes of me are pauses. In discouragement my day lives intensely, Seeing you leave me without causes. For no apparent or relevant reason, Warm face and naked forms are absent. I've never been a careless man. Before beauty and elegance, both of you. If my soul languish in your bosom, Be strong, but do not try to beget me in your fear.

the injustice of work

It was the stewardship Poetry came, my last and firm refuge. The night I was silent, I suffered. Dust, mold I saw myself in rave, Moving, withering petals, A book that read. It was stewardship. Oh pain, absurd winter! When the rare reality shone, From the top of the hill, I saw the world And all the insanity that went bankrupt. Nostalgia, my last pride Against echoes of a frozen past. My life is gone, as the life that is in everything, Led to a beautiful greenish grass. If, sometimes in this life, I get in the way, It's because of the injustice of work.

The poet's torn soul

Tailor of souls I feel this dubious emotion As I put the verses together and I go Sewing. The poet's torn soul, Feeling of ecstasy and regret Cast at one time, In the torn soul of the poet. Without coveting any future fame and A Focus on the present tremendous luck, The Good poetry of living and dead poets, Saturated suction balm. The poet's torn soul, Feeding fertilizer The indestructible seed of the myth. Amazing power, verses Evoked from chaos: The poet's torn soul. Fame and success without vanities, Last potion of magic, Lovely angel, newcomer The poet's torn soul. Tailor of this enormous subtlety. I love, lily, sweet page and edible verse. The poet's torn soul.

I write in blood

Cause Without Cause / Causes In Cause / Cause Cause! Down the slope, Eternal slope, The river follows the sea. Without ridge nor bord, Down the old slope. Flew... Dead eyes for cause without cause. Runaway in blackness, I-ink-red write in blood. My pen flew Over the slope, Without flashlight and without lamp. The old graves Of cause without cause, They ran in the cold, River waters run to the sea By old roads of countless tears Races on the face, Downhill, slopes. The cause of everything It is even without cause, No future time or Past to withhold. Powerful portents, streams, Waterfalls. Eternal slope on the way to the sea, Sighing foreshadowing, Perennial resumed. Black dead eyes Down the slope.

愛的力量中的爭論 o argumento no poder do amor the argument in the power of love

O amor ao poder não supera o poder do amor; o argumento da força não supera a força do argumento; o muito fazer jamais supera o ser. 對權力的愛並沒有克服愛的力量; 武力的論證並沒有克服論證的力量; 這麼多的事情永遠不會超越存在。 The love of power does not overcome the power of love; the argument of force does not overcome the force of argument; so much doing never surpasses being.

Perfeitas imperfeições Divinas 完美的神聖不完美

Perfeita imperfeição Divina, o teu desejo gera este mundo sem limites e a energia flui, no rumo do teu querer. Agora é o tempo do poder, de amar e de ser feliz com tudo. Todo amor de dentro de ti é precisão, eficaz Verdade. 完美的神聖不完美,你的願望在你意志的方向上創造了這個沒有限制和能量流動的世界。 現在是權力,愛和滿足一切的時候。 所有來自你內心的愛都是準確,有效的真理。

Eternal soul brigth Alma Eterna Brilhante

Your time loss control, playerman in front the wall.  Seu controle de perda de tempo, jogador na frente da parede. Without no more heart and reason, there is no more place to go. Sem mais coração nem razão, não há mais lugar para ir. Lands and rivers, forests under the storm. Terras e rios, florestas sob a tempestade. Bad leaders ever will end in suffering. Maus líderes sempre acabarão em sofrimento. Bad joke is in ending. A piada de mau gosto está acabando. Earth now reborn again Terra agora renasceu novamente With new human beens Com novos seres humanos United, ready to love. Unidos, prontos para amar, Love and live in peace. Ame e viva em paz. The dream will never be die. O sonho nunca morrerá. One dark night coud not shade  Uma noite escura não poderia sombrear The eternal soul brigth. A alma eterna brilhante.

Deus Pãe

São e Sã, Eu Sol e Deus Pãe: Nem religioso e Nem pagã. Todo amorosa: Sãos e Sãs.

Nova Terra New Earth

Fim da Era.  End of the Age. Não mais Guerra   No more war De tolos contra tolos  Of fools against fools. Não mais erra,  No more misses, Nova Terra!  New Earth!

Mistética ou Mystesis

Mistética, dissolução da estética na mistica perene. Mistagogia e práxis. Mística prática para recém-ascensionados. Mistética, Auflösung der Ästhetik in der ewigen Mystik. Mistagologie und Praxis. Praktische Mystik für neu aufgestiegene. Mistética, dissolution of aesthetics in the perennial mystic. Mistagology and praxis. Practical mystique for newly ascended.

サニー・レイ 宇宙鍵マニュアル O Manual da Chave Cósmica

サニー・レイ 宇宙鍵マニュアル The Sunny Rayによって神秘的に直感され、 古代の禅師ライカイ・レイキ プロローグ だれでもいつも何をすべきでしょう。 探している人はいつも探すべきものがあります。 誰が欲しいの? すでに何をしているのか、何もしていない、何も探していない、何も探していない人。 すべてのものは空虚で完璧です。 しかし、彼は急いではありません、 遅くなることはありません。 最初のパルス 人生は被告の苦悩に限定されない そして最高の名前は悪に誘惑されることはできません。 彼は最も崇高な光の持ち主です それはすべての苦痛と偏見を超えています 群集のように、それは時代を過ぎていた。 さらに、それはその空気の単純な法則を確立する。 第2のパルス まれな石膏瓶には龍の仔犬が含まれていません。 それは解決策を求める自分自身のために問題を作り出します。 基礎は疑わしいですが、 確実性を疑うことのない人のために。 "gerante"はすべての涙を解きます そして、私たちの生活のあらゆる息吹。 第3のパルス 明日はすでに今日です。 それは感情の様相の強さです ちょうど時間を決めました。 即刻の男性は最新のことを知っている 唯一の知恵の芸術。 しかし、彼らはもっと稀です あなたが想像できるところから。 第4のパルス 想像できる限りでは、 現実世界の人々の現実を想像してみてください。 最高の本物の、夢を実現する! 分離動作では、 最初から画像を選択することができます。 Principiai最も本当の創造! 五番目のパルス 質問をしたいのは何もしたくないということです。 解決策にはなりません。 シルバーワイヤーをカットすると、迷路に設定されます。 1つの手首、2つの手首、および古い手首。 これは秘密のない謎です。 第六パルス 新しいコンセプトごとに、 ソースが他人を押しつぶすために来て、 新しい概念的な河川が生じます。 しかし、今の旅で すでに疲れている小さな源が見えますが、 インターメッツォの1つ、乾燥している唯一のもの そしてそれは私たちにそれを飲むように促す。 第七パルス コスミック自...