The poet's torn soul

Tailor of souls

I feel this dubious emotion

As I put the verses together and I go Sewing.

The poet's torn soul,

Feeling of ecstasy and regret

Cast at one time,

In the torn soul of the poet.

Without coveting any future fame and

A Focus on the present tremendous luck,

The Good poetry of living and dead poets,

Saturated suction balm.

The poet's torn soul,

Feeding fertilizer

The indestructible seed of the myth.

Amazing power, verses

Evoked from chaos:

The poet's torn soul.

Fame and success without vanities,

Last potion of magic,

Lovely angel, newcomer

The poet's torn soul.

Tailor of this enormous subtlety.

I love, lily, sweet page and edible verse.

The poet's torn soul.


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