Idiocy of Guilt

Through such stupidity

Petrified in vile mediocrity,

Under the idiocy of guilt,

All adult immaturity rests.

Doubt ...

How to perform the latency and pending project

In this policy, heaped up with impotence of powers.

In the act of measuring and overshadowing?

From the visceral feeling started a wave of discreet agony

That went through the full extent of the intestines:

The feeling of guilt,


So also man holds to the idiocy of guilt.

Corrupt: shows the total villainy of Humus-humans.

Mortality to flow in the corpse,

Vaporized in the weakness of the coarse.

Revealed the disgust, poor dead!

He did not understand that he was guilty.

A feeling, a fine?

Reaction to public figure offense:

Imoral, indiscreet, stupid.

Without a mind, the people cry out

A more agile and less narrow response.

You idiot, you fool!


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